Learn how to cook the perfect Hanging Tender (Onglet) steak! - Gourmet Experts Ltd

Learn how to cook the perfect Hanging Tender (Onglet) steak!

Jun 05, 2024Marc Funder

Hanging Tender - Onglet


Welcome to a culinary adventure! Today, it's all about a lesser-known but incredibly tasty cut of meat: the Hanging Tender, also known as Onglet. Have you heard of it before? If not, buckle up, because we're diving deep into the world of this special cut and discovering why it's so treasured in gourmet cuisine.

What is Hanging Tender?

Hanging Tender, also known by its French name Onglet, is a cut of meat that comes from the diaphragm of the cow. It's a real highlight for meat lovers and highly valued in gourmet circles.

Origin and History

Hanging Tender has a long history and was often the "insider tip" among butchers because it was prized for its intense flavor. In France, it is known as Onglet and is often served in traditional bistros. In the USA, it's also referred to as "Butcher's Steak" because butchers often kept it for themselves.

The Difference from Other Cuts

Compared to well-known cuts like filet or rump steak, Hanging Tender has a much more intense marbling and a stronger flavor. It is relatively thin and has a coarse fiber structure that makes it unique.

Preparation and Shopping

What to Look for When Buying

When buying Hanging Tender, it's important to look for the quality of the meat. Ensure that the meat has a nice, even marbling and a deep red color. Fresh meat should not be sticky or have an unpleasant odor.

Storage Tips

Store the meat in the refrigerator, ideally vacuum-packed, to preserve its freshness. It can also be frozen but should be thawed slowly in the refrigerator to maintain its texture.

Preparation Methods


Grilling is one of the most popular methods to prepare Hanging Tender. The meat should be marinated beforehand to enhance the flavor.

Marinating and Seasoning

A simple marinade of olive oil, garlic, rosemary, and a bit of lemon juice can work wonders. Let the meat marinate for at least an hour so the flavors can soak in.


Sous-vide is an excellent method for perfectly cooking Hanging Tender. The slow cooking at low temperature keeps the meat tender and juicy.

Perfect Cooking Time

For optimal results, the Hanging Tender should be cooked at about 54 degrees Celsius for 2-3 hours. Then, it can be briefly seared in a pan to create a nice crust.


The Right Pan and Heat

A heavy cast-iron pan is ideal for frying Hanging Tender. Heat the pan on high and add some oil before putting in the meat. Fry it for about 2-3 minutes per side until a nice crust forms.

Flavor and Texture

Aromas and Consistency

Hanging Tender is characterized by a strong, almost nutty flavor. The coarse fiber structure provides an interesting mouthfeel that convinces with every bite.

Suitable Side Dishes

Strong side dishes like potato gratin, grilled vegetables, or a fresh salad go well with Hanging Tender. A robust red wine sauce also harmonizes wonderfully with the intense flavor of the meat.

Recipes and Inspirations

Classic Preparations

A classic recipe is Onglet à l'échalote, where the meat is served with shallots and red wine sauce. Simple yet incredibly delicious.

Creative Dishes

For those who like to experiment: How about an Asian-inspired Hanging Tender? Marinate the meat with soy sauce, ginger, and sesame oil and serve it with fried rice and vegetables.

Health Benefits

Nutritional Values and Calories

Hanging Tender is not only delicious but also nutritious. It's rich in protein and contains important vitamins and minerals like iron and zinc. With about 200 calories per 100 grams, it's also relatively low in calories.

Tips for a Balanced Diet

Combine Hanging Tender with lots of vegetables and whole grains to get a balanced meal. Also, be sure to enjoy it in moderation, as red meat in large quantities is not ideal for health.


Hanging Tender, or Onglet, is a true gourmet cut that deserves more attention. With its unique texture and intense flavor, it offers a wonderful change from the usual cuts. Whether grilled, sous-vide cooked, or pan-fried – this cut of meat is always a delight. Try it out and get inspired by the diverse preparation possibilities!


  1. What is the difference between Hanging Tender and Flank Steak?

    • Hanging Tender is more tender and has more intense marbling compared to Flank Steak, which comes from the cow's belly muscle.
  2. Can I also prepare Hanging Tender in the oven?

    • Yes, Hanging Tender can be prepared in the oven. Sear it first in a pan and then cook it at low temperature in the oven.
  3. How long can I store Hanging Tender in the refrigerator?

    • Fresh vacuum-packed Hanging Tender will keep in the refrigerator for about 2-3 Weeks kept under 4°C. Frozen, it lasts up to 12 months.
  4. Is Hanging Tender healthy?

    • Yes, Hanging Tender is a good source of protein and contains important nutrients like iron and zinc. However, it should be enjoyed in moderation.
  5. How do I best marinate Hanging Tender?

    • A simple marinade of olive oil, garlic, herbs, and some lemon juice is excellent. Let the meat marinate for at least an hour to absorb the flavors.

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